If you're wondering about this issue, you are not alone. According to the American Dental Hygienists' Association, 40 million Americans suffer from issues with bad breath.
Does bad breath creep into your personal or professional life? Do you ever feel self-conscious when you speak with others? We'd like to recommend a few simple solutions that have worked for DDC patients.
Brush twice a day and floss at least once, preferably at night. Maintaining a regular regimen of brushing and flossing will not only keep your teeth healthy, but also remove bad smelling bacteria from between your teeth.
When you brush your teeth, gently brush your tongue with your toothbrush or buy a tongue scraper to do the job. Bad smelling bacteria often live in the natural whitish coating on your tongue.
Because bad smelling bacteria can buildup in hard to reach places, we recommend using an antibacterial mouthwash as part of your oral hygiene routine.
If it smells bad going in, it will probably smell bad when you breathe it out. Onions and tuna do not magically change their smell as your body processes them. In fact, these foods actually enter your blood stream during digestion, traveling to your lungs to keep the nasty smell alive as you breathe. While brushing and mouthwash may provide a temporary relief for those around you, the smell will remain until these foods have been completely digested.
Certain foods and drink can help reduce bacteria and keep your breath smelling nice. Here are a few breath-helping foods and drinks.
Foods – Parsley, Yogurt, Apples, Pears, Oranges, Melons, Berries, Carrots, Celery, Cucumbers, and Almonds.
Drink – Water (lots of it) and Green Tea.
Chewing Sugar-Free gum produces more saliva, which works to chase away food particles before they have a chance to breakdown, decay, and smell.
Gum disease causes of bad breath as bacteria accumulates along the base of your teeth. Consistent brushing and flossing supports gum health, but it's also very important to visit DDC regularly so we can catch any gum issues before they become serious.
Because saliva is the body's natural defense mechanism against harmful bacteria, persistent dry mouth can lead to tooth decay and bad breath. Whether it may be medications causing your dry mouth or other reasons, we will help you find solutions.
If you've tried it all and you can't seem to chase the bad breath away, come see us. The doctors at Dayton Dental Collaborative are here to help. (Be aware that persistent bad breath may point to a more serious medical condition like diabetes, lung infection, sinus infection, and even liver or kidney disease.)