Do you get frustrated with your dentures? As any denture wearer knows, dentures provide a helpful replacement for missing teeth, but they come with challenges.
Conventional dentures tend to become unstable, loosen, and shift over time without regular professional adjustments. The resulting challenges directly impact lifestyle choices and often lead to frustrations.
At DDC, we utilize the stability of dental implants to secure your denture to your jaw. The resulting implant-retained dentures do not cover your palate and provide the strength of natural teeth. This advanced solution prevents bone loss in your jaw and enables completely natural function for eating, talking and other activities without any fears of slippage. With as few as two implants we can create a removable denture that snaps securely into place for amazing stability and peace of mind.
Implant retained dentures are the perfect solution to help denture wearing patients experience fully functional, natural-looking, completely secured teeth.
Contact the DDC team today for a complimentary consultation.