The Link Between Your Smile and Success

A beautiful smile not only builds personal confidence, studies reveal that your smile has the potential to help you in other ways.

After reading the smile research results below, you'll understand why the DDC team is passionate about helping patients create unforgettable smiles.

A Nice Smile Builds Trust?

A remarkable smile sure seems to help. Whether you're selling, building professional relationships, or meeting the person of your dreams, studies reveal that a smile lays the foundation. According to a study by Kelton Global, almost 3 out of 4 Americans (73%) acknowledge that they would be more likely to trust a person with a nice smile over someone with a good job, fashionable clothes or a nice car.

Makes Me More Attractive?

The people have spoken. In a poll of 5,000 men and women, found that a beautiful smile was the number one attractive quality. In addition, the AACD (American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry) discovered that 96% of adults believe an attractive smile makes a person more appealing to members of the opposite sex.

Helps Me Earn More Money?

Maybe. A survey conducted on behalf of the AACD seems to reinforce this idea with 74% of adults believing an unattractive smile can hurt a person's chances for career success. In addition, when considered with the smile and attractiveness studies from and the AACD (referenced above), University of California research discovered that more attractive people earn an average of 12 percent more per year than less attractive people.

Makes Me Younger Looking?

Research seems to back up this idea. Oral B research concluded that having white teeth makes you look an average of five years younger while also increasing your attractiveness by 20 percent.

Makes Me More Memorable?

It sure seems to help. According to a study by Kelton Global, 29% of Americans say that a person's teeth are the first thing they notice when meeting someone for the first time and nearly 1 out of 4 (24%) say that a smile is the thing they remember most after meeting someone for the first time.

Have you considered improving your smile?

Research appears to show some connection between a beautiful smile and particular advantages that may contribute to personal and professional success. Your smile may have more power than you realize. To see how the DDC team can help you improve your smile through clinical whitening options and beautiful, long-lasting cosmetic solutions, please contact us today.